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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 05/06/08
Tuesday May 6, 2008

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Kelley Auditorium, Mount Desert Elementary School, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Selectmen Patrick Smallidge, Jeff Smith, Rick Mooers, Charles Bucklin; Town Manager Michael MacDonald; Recording Secretary Jennifer McWain. Jean Bonville was not present.

I.      Call to order at conclusion of Annual Town Meeting at 9:25PM.

II.     Minutes

III.            Appointments and Communications

IV.     Selectmen's Reports

V.      Old Business

VI.             New Business

A.       Election of Chairman

Discussion ensued for the nominations of Chair and Vice Chair for the Board. Selectman Smith and Smallidge express interest in the Chair and Vice Chair positions. Selectman Mooers nominated Selectman Jeff Smith for Chairman and Selectman Smallidge for Vice Chairman. Selectman Mooers motioned for the nomination of Jeff Smith for Chairman, seconded by Selectman Smallidge. The vote was 3-0-1 with Selectman Smith abstaining. Motion passes.

Chairman Smith motioned for the nomination of Selectman Smallidge as Vice Chair, seconded by Selectman Mooers. The vote was 3-0-1, with Selectman Smallidge abstaining. Motion passes.

Chairman Smith motioned for the nomination of Selectman Mooers as Secretary, seconded by Vice Chair Smallidge. The vote was 3-0-1 with Selectman Mooers abstaining. Motion passes.

B.      Approve date for next meeting, suggest Monday, May 12, 2008.

        Selectman Mooers moved to approve the date for the next meeting of May 12, 2008, seconded by Vice Chair Smallidge. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

C.      Approve annual Disbursement Warrant Ordinance.

        Selectman Mooers motioned to approve the annual Disbursement Warrant Ordinance, seconded by Chairman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

D.      Approve annual "Municipal Officer's Policy on Disbursement of Municipal Education Costs."

        Selectman Mooers moved to approve the annual" Municipal Officer's Policy on Disbursement of Education Costs", seconded by Chairman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

E.      Approve annual "Policy on Treasurer's Disbursement Warrants for Employee Wages and Benefits."
        Selectman Mooers moved to approve the annual "Policy on Treasurer's Disbursement Warrants for Employee Wages and Benefits", seconded by Chairman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.
VII.    General Issues

VIII.   Other Business

IX. Treasurer's Warrants
X.      Executive Session
        None requested

At 9:40 p.m. Selectman Mooers moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman
Smallidge. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Rick Mooers,